sort out - to deal successfully with a problem or a situation, appreciate - recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, stand up to - defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly, be up to - be doing something, often something bad or illegal, usually secretly, wicked - excellent, kick off - to begin, predisposition - the state of being likely to behave in a particular way, complicate - to make something more difficult to deal with, slay - to kill in a violent way, incantation - words that are believed to have a magical effect when spoken or sung, insult - an offensive remark or action, get rid of - to remove something that you do not want any longer, breach - a hole that is made in a wall or in another structure, expel - force someone to leave a school, organization, or country, alert - quick to see, understand, and act in a particular situation, sacrifice - give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person, outrage - shocking, morally unacceptable, and usually violent action, brew - a mixture of several things, ensnare - to catch or get control of something or someone, assessment - the act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or importance of something, acknowledge - to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something, reckon - think or believe, subtle - not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way, formidable - causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone, be better off - in a more satisfactory situation than you were before, enunciate - to pronounce words or parts of words clearly, limp - to walk slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg or foot, besides - in addition to; also, restricted - limited, especially by official rules, detention - a form of punishment in which children are made to stay at school for a short time after classes have ended,
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