he / work flexitime, they / hang out together, Dave / date Nina, Sue / do shift, Sam / often late, drawing / float his boat, Adam / a total sucker for cars., Harry / into cooking, James / keen on cinema, Carol / loathe Nick, Ben / give notice yesterday, How long / Nick commute to work, How often / they work overtime, How big / his salary, Why / he / get promoted so often, Wandy / on maternity leave, How often / this thought / cross your mind, When / these thoughts / usually / spring to mind, When / you / sleep in, How often / she / do house chores, What project / they / work on / now, When / you / usually / feel empowered, How much / he charge / for his sessions.

Direct and Indirect Questions

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¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?