Someone took your friends favorite pencil. How do you think they feel?, Your classmate found out that she is going to Disney world for vacation. How do you think she feels?, A kid in your class made a loud noise and ripped his paper. Why do you think he did that?, Your brother blamed you for breaking a picture frame in your house. How do you think your brother was feeling? , Your sister doesn't like thunderstorms and there is a big one on the way. How do you think she is feeling?, You see someone walking back and forth in the hallway. Their head is down. How do you think they are feeling?, Lily's dad went away on work trip and she hasn't seen him all week. How might she be feeling?, Your classmate's mom is going to have surgery. How might he be feeling?, Harry is about to sing on stage in front of the whole school for the first time. How might he be feeling?, You see someone looking around quickly and fidgeting their their hands. How might that person be feeling?, Your sister got a new phone for her birthday. She was not expecting that gift. How might she be feeling?, Your mom found out that her best friend is coming to visit next week. How might she be feeling? , Ron is keeps yelling out in class to share that he went to the arcade this weekend. The whole class already knows. Why does he keep calling out?, Your teacher had to ask Jill to stop calling out. Now her head is down and has a frown on her face. Why do you think she is doing that?, Kayleigh just answered a question wrong, in front of the class. Now she is being very quiet and doesn't want to talk. Why do you think she is doing that?, Jack keeps getting into your personal space bubble during recess. When you ask him to stop he says sorry and stops for a little while, but then he does it again. Why is he doing that?, Mark keeps talking about his favorite movie. You haven't seen it and don't have much to say back, but he just keeps on talking. Why is he doing that?, Suzie tried really hard to win the prize at the carnival and just couldn't get it. Then Jodi won on her first try. How much Suzie be feeling?, Your classmate has his arms crossed and won't talk to anyone. How do you think he is feeling?, Alex just tripped and fell in the cafeteria. How do you think he is feeling?.
How Are They Feeling? (scenarios)
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Social Emotional Health
Social studies
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