1) What color is the Earth? a) yellow and blue b) purple and blue c) green and blue 2) How many moons does Earth have? a) b) c) 3) The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. a) Yes b) No 4) What does recycle mean? a) burn it b) reclaim; use again c) throw trash in the water 5) Ways items can be re-used if we... a) donate old clothes b) donate old books c) donate old toys d) recycle plastic bags to be used as something else e) throw it all in the trash 6) 1 reusable bag can prevent the use of 600 plastic bags (over it's lifetime) a) true b) false 7) Recycling one can of soda will save enough energy to power a tv for three hours. a) b) 8) What does conserve mean? a) don't recycle b) wasting water c) to prevent waste d) save water & electricity 9) What can we conserve? a) We can conserve water. b) We can conserve electricity. c) nothing 10) When brushing your teeth - what should we do and why? a) keep water running b) turn off water while brushing c) it can save up to 8 gallons of water a day 11) To help save even more water, challenge yourself to take a shorter shower (but still get clean!). a) b) c) 12) What does 'being green' mean when talking about Earth? a) the color b) taking special steps to protect the environment 13) What are ways we can help our environment? a) dump trash anywhere b) pick up trash c) recycle d) conserve water 14) I will try conserving electrical energy by using only what lights are needed. a) b) c) 15) Planting trees are good for the environment. a) b) 16) 3 things trees provide animals - a) homes b) shelter c) food d) pizza 17) 1 plastic bottle takes about 450 years to break down. a) That's crazy! b) I believe it. c) No way! 18) What can I do to help protect the Earth? a) conserve water and electricity b) plant trees and flowers c) litter d) recycle and reuse e) donate old toys, clothes & books f) waste water 19) I love our Earth! Let's help protect it! a) b) c)

Earth Day April 22nd

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