Free Enterprise System - An economic system in which private businesses operate for profit with little or no government control, Federalists - Political party in favor of the federal constitution, Anti-Federalists - Political Party that was against the federal constitution, Judicial Review - The power of the Supreme Court to decide if a law is constitutional, Marbury v. Madison - Court case that established the principle of judicial review, Whiskey Rebellion  - Thousands of farmers from Pennsylvania attacked tax collectors while protesting this a Whiskey Tax, Embargo Act - enacted by Congress in 1807 requested by President Thomas Jefferson that banned trade between U.S. ports and foreign nations., Northwest Ordinance - Ordinance regulating the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio, creation of states , Hamilton's Plan  - The creation of Bank of the United States to ensure a more stable, common currency for the new nation., Mercantilism - A government controlling trade through regulations more exports than imports ,

Early Republic Vocabulary


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Une las parejas es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

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