Choose one of your sentences to rewrite using a place opener, such as: Next to/Below.../To the side of..., Choose one of your sentences to rewrite using a verb opener. , Write a sentence using a semi-colon, Choose one of your simple sentences and make it into a compound sentence using and, but or so as a connective., Choose one of your sentences to rewrite using an adverb opener., Write a sentence using a colon., Choose three words in your work and up-level them to a more ambitious word. , Choose one of your sentences and rewrite using a time opener. , Choose one of your compound sentences. Rewrite it so that your subordinate clause is in a different place. , Write a sentence that uses a list and make sure you use your commas accurately. , Pause in your writing and double check you have used commas accurately when using different sentence openers. , Choose one of your sentences and rewrite it as complex sentence with an embedded clause. , Pause in your writing and double check your capital letters, full stops and commas in your work. Are they accurate? , Use a short, snappy sentence for effect. , Use a one-word sentence for effect. .
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