1) I'm in a enchanted house, and I find a witch, what would I do if I'm very brave? a) I ignore the witch b) I catch a weapon and kill the witch c) I run away d) I call a friend and bouth to scape 2) Now, I'm in the sea, and a lot of sharks are coming to kill you, what I have to do? a) I swim quikly, they won't catch me b) I stay calm and don't move, they won't attack me c) You try to kick them d) I see a ship/boat and I try to climb on top to stay safe 3) You see a spider and you don' know what to do... a) You kill it b) you dance with the spider c) you let the spider bite you to be spiderman d) You take it out 4) If you see an assassin what you have to do... a) call 911 b) try to go home c) razor fight d) hide 5) you're going calm to the beach and you fall down the mountain and hurt your arm, what you have to do... a) take a leave to put in your arm b) go to hospital c) call a friend to help you d) put water in your arm 6) You see a ghost, what are you going to do, for safe yourself a) You try to record it b) You call police, scientist and more to experiment with it c) You just try to go away d) You hide 7) You are in a forest and a wolfman want to attack you, what are you going to do to scape? a) You throw a piece of meat to distact b) Do like you're death c) Distract the wolfman and start running d) attack the wolfman 8) an apocalipsis start and you have to do lots of things, starting with finding a place to stay... a) You try to build a house b) you go to an appartament c) you life in the street d) stay in your own house 9) Now you have to find food, where you have to go? a) To supermarket b) Go to the chinese c) Go to steal food in another houses d) You say to your grandmother to give to you 10) And finaly you have to get a knife to protect yourself, where do you go? a) Don't go anywhere, I have knifes at home b) Go to your friends house to take one 11) What are you going to do if you feel sacred with a ghost in your house? a) You're going to call the police b) You're going out home c) Try to fight with it d) You're going to hide 12) What are you going to do if you heard a strange noise at home? a) Go to see what is happening b) Stay doing nathing c) call a friend to come and go out of there 13) Spiders and snakes are chasing you, what will you do? a) You can kill they, just try b) run, or they will kill you c) go into a house in the forest to be safe 14) And finally what will you do if a rino start running behind you? a) Go staright on b) go into a lake c) Let the rino kill you 15) Did you enjoyed the wordwall? a) YES! b) Nope


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