About____people in the world speak English, 359 million of whom speak it as a native language. (How...?) - How many people in the world speak English?(1.8billion), Approximately 6000 languages exist in the world today. Every year about _______ of these disappear.(How...?) - How many languages disappear every year?( 25), The @ sign has different names in different countries. In Dutch it is sometimes known as ____. (What...?) - What is @ known as in Dutch? (monkey's tail), The number 4 brings bad luck in some Asian countries because it sounds similar to____(What...?) - What does the number 4 sound similar to?( word for death), There are a number of phobias connected to language. A person with sesquipedalophobia is afraid of long words, and a person with xenoglossophobia has a fear of____(What does a person...?) - What does a person with xenoglossophobia have a fear of?( foreign languages,

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