Article 1 - Describes how the Legislative branch will be laid out , Article 2 - The functions and qualifications of the Executive branch as in this article, Article 3 - The Judicial branch is described here, The Preamble - The beginning of the Constitution that talks about Justice, Tranquility, common defense and general Welfare, Article 4 - Contains the Full Faith and Credit clause, Article 5 - This article describes how to Amend the Constitution, Article 6 - Contains the Supremacy clause, Article 7 - This Article list how to ratify the Constitution, Constitutional Convention - Meeting the was meant to fix the Articles of Confederation but instead created the Constitution, James Madison - Father of the Constitution, George Washington - President of the Constitutional Convention and the first US President, Suggested by 2/3 of both Houses of Congress - How an Amendment is proposed to the Constitution, Approved by 3/4 of State Legislatures - How an Amendment is added to the Constitution,


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