1 - Creation of the world, 2 - Day seven of creation: Shabbat, 3 - Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, 4 - Noah’s ark and the flood, 5 - Abraham and Sarah, 6 - Isaac and Rebecca, 7 - Jacob, Rachel and Leah, 8 - Jacob’s twelve sons, 9 - Joseph in Egypt, 10 - The Israelites are enslaved, 11 - Moses and the Burning Bush, 12 - The 10 plagues, 13 - The parting of the Sea of Reeds, 14 - The giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, 15 - After the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, we receive a lot of other laws . . ., 16 - ...And build a Tabernacle, 17 - .... and do a lot of travelling, 18 - Moses’ blessings to the children of Israel before his death,

Torah in brief

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