1) What type of Badminton shot shown? a) Drive b) Clear c) Drop d) Smash 2) What type of Badminton shot shown? a) Drop b) Drive c) Smash d) Clear 3) What type of Drive shot shown? a) Backhand drive b) Forehand drive 4) What type of Drive shot shown? a) Backhand drive b) Forehand drive 5) What type of Smash shown? a) Backhand smash b) Forehand smash c) Backhand smash 6) What type of Smash shown? a) Forehand jump smash b) Forehand standard smash c) Backhand standard smash d) Forehand overhead smash 7) What type of Smash shown? a) Forehand overhead smash b) Backhand standard smash c) Forehand standard smash d) Forehand jump smash 8) What type of Smash shown? a) Forehand standard smash b) Backhand standard smash c) Forehand jump smash d) Forehand overhead smash


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