If a vowel precedes the y, keep the y and add the suffix. - pay - paying, stay - stayed, If a consonant precedes the y, change the y to i and and the suffix (deny - denied). Exception: if the suffix begins with an I, the y remains (crying) 2 i ‘s together does not appear in the English language - city - cities, duty - duties try - trying, fly - flies, buy - buying, Words ending in y preceded by a vowel become plural by adding s. Words ending in y preceded by a consonant become plural by changing y to i and adding -es - boy - boys , toy - toys, key - keys. copy - copies, baby - babies, , Some words ending in -ay may change to ai - day + ly = daily, There is a reversal of y to i when adding suffixes to words ending in ie - tie + ing = tying, When we add -s to consonant + y, change y to ies (apply + s = applies) - puppy - puppies, spy - spies, penny - pennies,
Change Rule for Words Ending in y
6th Grade
Encoding and Decoding
Orton Gillingham
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