The great compromise created a legislature with a lower house based on ____ and an upper house with an ____ number of members for each state. The Three-Fifth Compromise agrees that 3/5 of slaves would be counted towards the state ____ for ____ and taxation. ____ out of every ____ enslaved persons would be counted for representation and taxation of the states. Under the Great Compromise, members of the ____ chamber would be called the ____ of ____ and based upon a state's population. Under the Great Compromise, members of the ____ chamber would be called the ____ and ____ amongst the states. The Great Compromise ____ both the ____ Plan and the ____ ____ Plan. The ____ Plan favored ____ states and proposed ____ based on ____ size. The New ____ Plan favored ____ states and proposed ____ ____ among all states. The main ____ at the ____ ____ was how many ____ would each state get? ____ of the enslaved population would be counted towards ____ in the ____ of Representatives.

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