____ approaches Yosef to beg him to release Benyamin, offering himself as a ____ to the Egyptian ruler in ____ stead. Upon witnessing his brothers’ ____ to one another, Yosef reveals his ____ to them.“I am Yosef,” he declares. “Is my father still ____?” The brothers are overcome by ____ and remorse, but Yosef ____ them. “It was not you who sent me here,” he says to them, “but ____. It has all been ordained from ____ to save us, and the entire country, from famine.” The brothers rush back to ____ with the news. Yaakov comes to Egypt with his sons and their ____—seventy souls in all—and is ____ with his beloved son after 22 years. On his way to ____ he receives the divine promise: “Fear not to go down to Egypt; for I will there make of you a great ____. I will go down with you into Egypt, and I will also surely ____ you up again.” Yosef ____ the wealth of Egypt by selling food and seed during the ____. Pharaoh gives Jacob’s family the fertile county of ____

Parshas Vayigash Prep

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