"physics is the acme of scientific knowledge" - the point at which something is at its best or most highly developed. (Syn: highly developed; peak; the pinnacle)., There's a crowd of angry demonstrators making a real hullabaloo outside the Houses of Parliament. - a loud noise made by people who are angry or annoyed; a lot of angry comments made in public about someone or something: (San: to be boisterous), a perilous journey south/ the economy is in a perilous state - Full of danger or imminent risk. (Syn: hazardous, fraught with danger), He admitted that, with the benefit of hindsight, the original launch had not been large enough/ But let's not get too smart-aleck with the benefit of hindsight. - used to say it is easier to know the right thing to do after something has happened or if you have a lot of experience, The buildings have been adapted in a piecemeal fashion. / a piecemeal approach to the problem. - a process that happens slowly and in stages that are not regular or planned properly, The day started with a flurry of activity./ We have been inundated with a flurry of excitement. - a time when there is suddenly a lot of activity and people are very busy., She isn't very susceptible to flattery./ These plants are particularly susceptible to frost. - easily influenced or harmed by something. (Syn: Vulnerable to). , Not everybody is lucky enough to be endowed with both good looks and brain. (Be endowed with + noun/ be endowed with + noun phrase) - The person or thing naturally has that quality or feature:, "Are you dissatisfied with the results?" "Not in the least." - not in any way, These results are in accord with earlier research. - formal a situation in which two people, ideas, or statements agree with each other, She came of her own accord. No one asked her to come. - you do it without being asked to do it; (Syn: your own free will), It would be worth your while to see if you can still get tickets to the show - important, useful, or satisfying enough to be worth the effort you make, His forthright manner can be mistaken for rudeness/ His best approach was to be forthright and fast. - Honest and direct in behaviour - used to show approval. (Syn: Straightforward),

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