1) Prophet Ibrahim's son's name is a) Yousuf b) Islamil 2) Hajar ran from one ----- to another a) tree b) mountain 3) Hajar was searching for a) water b) a camel 4) ----- is the name of the water which Allah blessed Hajar with a) Zamzam b) Mina 5) The place where Prophet Ibrahim left his wife and son turned into a city which is now called a) Madina b) Makkah 6) Ibrahim AS saw a dream that he was a) sacrificing his son b) working 7) Allah put a ----- instead of Prophet Ismail for sacrifice a) chicken b) sheep 8) Every year we celebrate -------- to remember the great test of Ibrahim AS a) Ramadan b) Eid Ul Adha 9) Allah ordered Ibrahim AS to build a) Kabah b) a road

Story of Nabi Ibrahim AS 2 and 3

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