polygons - Closed shapes that have only straight sides, angle - Two rays that meet at the same endpoint, vertex - The point at which two sides meet, concave - A shape with one or more angles pointing in, convex - A shape with all angles pointing outward, parallel lines - Two lines or segments that will never cross, intersecting lines - Lines that cross, or intersect, at a point., right angle - An angle that makes a square corner, quadrilaterals - Polygons with 4 sides, ray - A line with one end point, line segment - Part of a line with two end points, point - An exact location , line - A straight path that keeps going and going...,

Geometry vocab


Tabla de clasificación

Une las parejas es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?