1) Who is responsible for health and safety in construction? a) Employees b) Employers c) Contractors d) All of them 2) The abbreviation HSE means: a) Health Security Executive b) Health Safety Executive c) Healthy Sausage Executive d) Happy Safety Executive 3) The abbreviation HASAWA means: a) Healthy Safe at Work Act b) Health and Safety at Work Act c) Health and Safe at Work Act d) Healthy and Safety at Work Act 4) The abbreviation COSHH means: a) Controller of security hazardous to health b) Capture of substances hazardous to health c) Control of substances hazardous to health d) Controller of substances hazardous to health 5) The abbreviation RIDDOR means: a) Reporting of important danger and dangerous occurrences regulations b) Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations c) Rectifying of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations d) Rectifying of important danger and dangerous occurrences regulations 6) The abbreviation PUWER means: a) Provision and utilisation of work equipment regulations b) Provision and use of equipment regulations c) Provide and utilise work equipment regulations d) Provide and use of work equipment regulations 7) As an employer which of the following must you provide for your workers? a) PPE b) Transport c) Housing d) Lunch 8) Which of the following does an employer NOT have to provide? a) Provide a safe workplace b) Risk assessments c) PPE d) Pension scheme 9) As an employee you must NOT: a) Follow all regulations. b) Work to risk assessments c) Wear all the PPE required d) Put yourself or others at risk 10) Which of the following is not a role of the HSE? a) Enforcing the health and safety laws b) Checking the finances of companies c) Carrying out investigations d) Issuing prohibition notices 11) The most common cause of accidents in construction is: a) Slips, trips and falls b) Electrocutions c) Burns d) Falling objects 12) Which of the following is a common cause of accident in construction? a) Poor housekeeping b) Low morale c) Unhappy staff d) Weather 13) The term risk means? a) The likelihood of it not happening b) The likelihood of it happening c) The likelihood that is not harmful d) The likelihood that it is harmful 14) The term hazard means? a) Anything that has the potential to cause harm b) Anything that has the potential to result in dismissal c) Anything that is against health and safety rules d) Anything that is not in the health and safety rules 15) A risk assessment is a: a) Document listing all potential obstacles b) Document listing all potential hazards c) Document listing all health and safety legislation d) Document listing all the rules on site. 16) Risks are measured by: a) Safe, worrying and dangerous b) A,B,C c) 1,2,3 d) Low medium and high 17) The purpose of a risk assessment is to: a) Reduce the number of risks b) Reduce the number of hazards c) Reduce the number of accidents d) Reduce the health and safety data 18) Which type of safety sign is a blue circle? a) Warning b) Mandatory c) Prohibition d) Safe Condition 19) Which type of safety sign is a red circle? a) Warning b) Fire Safety c) Prohibition d) Mandatory 20) Which type of the safety signs is a yellow and black triangle? a) Warning b) Safe Condition c) Prohibition d) Mandatory 21) Which is the most effective control measure? a) Engineering b) PPE c) Administrative d) Elimination 22) Which is the cheapest and least effective control measure? a) Engineering b) PPE c) Administrative d) Elimination 23) What would a HSE Inspector do if Asbestos was found on site? a) Make sure PPE was being used. b) Inspect the Risk assessments c) Make sure signs were put up d) Close the site 24) What are the most common causes of accidents when working at height? a) Falling from a ladder b) Falling from a scaffold c) Debris landing on people below d) Falling through a fragile roof 25) What is the most effective method to ensure the safety of members of the public from construction sites? a) CCTV b) Sturdy high perimeter fence c) Signs around the site d) Rottweilers 26) Which of these can you not use on an electrical fire? a) C02 b) Wet Chemical c) Dry Powder 27) What is an electrical Fire? a) Class A b) Class B c) Class C d) Class D e) Class E 28) A strong box is a a) Place to keep your sweets dry b) Place for your dolly to sleep c) Place to keep your tools secure d) Super hero

Safety in Construction

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