1) the top number in a fraction a) equivalent fraction b) denominator c) numerator 2) The bottom number in a fraction a) product b) denominator c) numerator 3) Fractions that have the same value a) equivalent fractions b) mixed numbers c) denominators 4) A denominator that is the same in two or more fractions. a) mixed number b) common denominator c) numerator 5) Fractions are a whole or set divided up into __________ parts. a) large b) equal c) small 6) This sign means the number on the left is... a) greater than b) less than c) equal to 7) This sign means the number on the left is... a) greater than b) less than c) equal to 8) This sign means the numbers or fractions are ___________ to the second number or fraction. a) greater than b) less than c) equal

G3 Fraction Vocabulary


Tabla de clasificación

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