Network Access Control - NAC, Bring your own device - BYOD, Permanent - This is the most convenient agent since it does not have to be renewed and can always run on the device. It is also known as a persistent agent., Dissolvable - The agent is downloaded, or a temporary connection is established. It is removed once the user is done with it. The user has to download or connect to the agent again if needed., Agentless - When the user logs into the domain, it authenticates with the network.Often used when there is limited disk space, such as for Internet of Things (IoT) devices., Plan - A committee should convene and make decisions that define how NAC should work., Defined - The roles, identities, and permissions (policies) must be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.., Applied - Once defined, the polices must be _ _ _ _ _ _ _., Revise - As business needs change, the process must be reviewed to determine whether changes are required.,

Network Access Control 5.7 Vocab

Tabla de clasificación

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?