costicervical - Pertaining to or connecting the ribs and neck., crinogenic - Stimulating (producing) secretion., partial gastrectomy - The excision of a large portion but not all of the stomach., cephalic - Pertaining to the head; especially directed toward or situated on or in or near the head., adenasthenia - A weakness in glandular secretion; deficient glandular activity., hematologist - A specialist in the study of blood., phrenic - Pertaining to the mind; pertaining to the diaphragm., bradylogia - Abnormal slowness of speech due to slowness of thinking as in a mental disorder., radial - Pertaining to rays., hepatonephritis - The inflammation of the liver and kidney., subdorsal - Situated below the dorsal (back) region., exostosis - A condition projecting outward from the surface of a bone., adenomegaly - The enlargement of a gland., empathy - "Feeling within"; the entering into the feelings of another person., seminormal - One-half the normal., endocardium - The inner lining membrane of the heart., ramitis - Inflammation of a root., pharyngeal - Pertaining to the pharynx., biliary - Pertaining to the bile or pertaining collectively to the bile., lalopathy - Any disorder of speech., sacral - Pertaining to the sacrum; the region around the sacrum., semination - Production or dispersal of semen; seed., lacrimal - Pertaining to tears; relating to or situated near the organs that produce tears., lumbar - Pertaining to the loins., arteriectasis - Dilation of an artery.,
Medical Terminology
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