We came across this little restaurant when we were out walking. - Really? Where did you find it?, The children have come down with measles. - Oh dear. It's such an unpleasant disease., The policewoman come up to him and asked to see his passport. - He was obviously a bit nervous as the officer got close., Jenny came into a fortune when she was twenty-one. - Lucky her! Who did she inherit it from?, Simon's come out in a rash. - My son has developed one as well on his chest., When we suggested moving to another office, we came up against a lot of opposition from the management. - I'm not surprised. I knew they'd get in the way., The message came through this morning. - How could it? The phone has been disconnected and the fax machine is broken., Come along, or you'll miss the bus. - You're always in such a hurry. Let me take my time., Our team came off badly in the competition... - I'm not surprised. I didn't think they'd do very well., When she came to, she was in hospital. - For how long had she been unconscious?, Richard came up with a really strange idea the other day. - He's always saying something unecpected.,

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