1) The jet ___________ will start flying soon.  a) cabin b) clever c) pilot d) panic 2) Let's take a walk around the ___________ in the woods. a) bacon b) cabin c) pilot d) panic 3) I got a ticket because I was driving over the speed ________.  a) clever b) limit c) tulips d) napkins 4) I love to eat ________ and eggs every morning. a) napkins b) spider c) even d) bacon 5) Please wipe your face with the __________. a) cabin b) napkins c) humid d) pilot 6) I got my mom _________ and lilacs for her birthday.  a) fever b) tulips c) bacon d) limit 7) I had a moment of __________ when my phone fell. a) panic b) fever c) napkins d) humid 8) Tom is a very _______ student and gets good grades. a) humid b) fever c) napkins d) clever 9) I will read the sentences with the ________ numbers.  a) limit b) spider c) panic d) even 10) Today is hot and ____________ all day, I need to go to the pool. a) napkins b) clever c) even d) humid 11) I almost walked into a ___________ web. Gross.  a) napkins b) humid c) spider d) limit 12) The whole class is at home sick with a __________. a) fever b) even c) tulips d) clever

PAF 113 two syllable words

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