Is it better to have many friends or just a few close friends?, Compare two recent movies. Which one is more entertaining?, Which cell phone OS do you think is better? Why?, Which is more important, money or happiness?, Compare two types of foreign food. Which is more delicious? Which is cheaper?, Which is more enjoyable, going to a theme park or going to a museum? Why?, Who is more influential, politicians or celebrities?, Which is more relaxing, reading a book or watching TV? Why?, Do you think that corruption or poverty is a bigger problem? Why?, Compare two countries. Which one is a better vacation spot?, Is it better to have more free time or more money? Why?, Which is more important, friends or family? Why?, Is it better to live in the country or in a city? Why?, Compare two musicians. Who do you think is more talented?, Which is more important, friends or family? Why?, Which is more comfortable, a couch or a recliner?, Which is a better place to have a vacation, mountains or a beach? Why?.
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