1 - Tell about family. Are you close? Why/why not?, 2 - Good and bad things about big families, 3 - What's the day today? What's the time?, 4 - Name all family members, 5 - Are you spoilt?, 6 - Ask about my family?, 7 - Things you never/always do with your family, 8 - I have got/haven't got..., 9 - opposite "talkative", "friendly", "funny", "interesting" , 10 - Tell about your best friend's family, 11 - Спрашивать деньги/возвращаться деньги (in Eng), 12 - He's got/he's Max/Max's wife's Anna (explain) , 13 - Phrases of showing interest, 14 - Обычно,иногда, почти никогда, часто (in Eng), 15 - Good and bad things about small families, 16 - Оставь сообщение на автоответчике с пригл. в кино, 17 - Orphan/an only child (explain) , 18 - opposite "unhappy", "unwell", "unreal", "unusual", 19 - "друг с другом", "конкурирующий", "избалованный" (in Eng), 20 - "Flat intonation" (explain),

Unit 3 Final Speakout elementary

Tabla de clasificación

Fichas giratorias es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?