Correct: Making a difference, Below the line : out of control, Part of the solution = Above the Line, Tahapan "Meeting protocol" yaitu persiapan, meeting, keputusan , "Pre-read material" = protocol meeting bagian persiapan, Jika meeting menemui jalan buntu lakukan 'brainstorming', Accountability dimiliki oleh asker dan giver, Courage = open heart + open minds, Putting durian on the table = courage, "Putting durian..." adalah productive conversation, Incorrect: Making a plan, Below the line : do differently, Part of the solution = Below the Line, Tahapan "Meeting Protocol" yaitu logistik, agenda meeting, notulensi, "Pre-read material" = protocol meeting bagian utama meeting , Jika meeting menemui jalan buntu lakukan 'healing', Accountability dimiliki oleh atasan dan bawahan, Courage = open eye + open mind, Putting durian on the table = be honest, "Putting durian..." adalah challenging conversation,

Culture Survey : Session 2

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