Excuse me, could you recommend something from the menu?, What do you suggest for a light snack?, I'm in the mood for something healthy. What would you recommend?, This dish is delicious. Is it locally-sourced?, I'm looking for something light and refreshing. What do you suggest?, I have a food allergy. Can you recommend something I can eat?, I'm trying to eat healthier. What do you suggest?, Can I have the locally-sourced salad, please?, The tender meat is so delicious. What's your secret?, I can't decide between the rich sauces or the lightly seasoned one., Hey, do you know how to cook from scratch?, I can't stand processed foods anymore., I'm too busy to cook, so I always buy ready meals., I've been trying to cut down on fatty foods., I really need to start eating a more balanced diet., I had a lean meal for dinner last night., I'm trying to eat healthier, so I've been cooking from scratch more often..
Food collocations communicative collocations
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