1) Gary had to use his handkerchief to blow his nose while he had allergies. What is a handkerchief? a) tissue b) arm c) blanket d) shirt 2) The jar is delicate and when John accidentally knocked it over, it broke in half. What does delicate mean? a) hard b) soft c) slippery d) fragile 3) Abraham Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery forever. What does abolish mean? a) simplify b) be a part of c) get rid of d) not get involved with 4) After the rainstorm, the rainbow lit up the sky with vivid colors. What does vivid mean? a) dark b) light c) bright d) ugly 5) My friend is very benevolent when it comes to giving gifts. What does benevolent mean? a) selfish b) rude c) giving d) pretty 6) John was not satisfied with the amount of cake he had. What does satisfied mean? a) happy b) confused c) sad d) annoyed 7) Why do authors use context clues? a) for fun b) to confuse you c) to help you understand a word d) to make you read more 8) Jimmy collapsed to the ground after running 12 miles. What does collapsed mean? a) ran b) hopped c) jumped d) fell 9) Kyle pondered all day what grade he got on the math test. What does pondered mean? a) sat b) wondered c) failed d) rushed 10) Lucy sprinted around the track and got first place in the race! What does sprinted mean? a) ran b) jog c) walk d) power walk

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