Someone who converts is like a newborn child., Hashem commands us to love geirim like our family., We should not remind geirim of their past., It is assur to make fun of geirim., You cannot speak badly about non-Jews in front of geirim., When you are nice to a ger you fulfill two mitzvos., When you rebuke someone, it should be in a calm voice., You SHOULD rebuke a teacher, but only in a respectful way., When rebuking someone, you must explain CLEARLY what they did wrong. , Someone who embarrasses someone has no share in olam haba., We must be extra sensitive to a widow or orphan., A widow is someone whose husband has passed away., Even the orphan of a king must be treated with kindness., We must take care of an orphan until they are married., We can't control words once they've left our mouth., Not speaking Lashon Hara helps us live in peace., רכילות means repeating something one friend said about another., לשון הרע is when you say something not nice about another person., מוציא שם רע is when you say something not true about another person., אבק לשון הרע is something that is "almost" לשון הרע, We can speak Lashon Hara when it's for a specific reason.,
Chidon Book 1: Review Units 9-13
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