1) empirical a) extremely bad; flagrant b) deception c) relying on experience, not just theory d) to thin out; drift away, disolve, waste or squander e) to spread the seeds of something; to make widely known f) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose 2) duplicity a) extremely bad; flagrant b) relying on experience, not just theory c) to thin out; drift away, disolve, waste or squander d) deception e) to spread the seeds of something; to make widely known f) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpo 3) egregious a) relying on experience, not just theory b) to thin out; drift away, disolve, waste or squander c) extremely bad; flagrant d) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose e) to spread the seeds of something; to make widely known f) deception 4) dissipate a) to thin out; drift away, disolve, waste or squander b) relying on experience, not just theory c) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose d) deception e) extremely bad; flagrant f) to spread the seeds of something; to make widely known 5) desultory a) extremely bad; flagrant b) relying on experience, not just theory c) to spread the seeds of something; to make widely known d) deception e) to thin out; drift away, disolve, waste or squander f) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose 6) decimate a) to thin out; drift away, disolve, waste or squander b) one who deeply distrusts human nature c) to kill or destroy d) violent breakdown; overwhelming defeat e) to deceive f) a summation of a larger whole 7) delude a) to thin out; drift away, dissolve, waste or squander b) to kill or destroy c) one who is lost d) to deceive e) one who deeply distrusts human nature f) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose 8) debacle a) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose b) to thin out; drift away, dissolve, waste or squander c) violent breakdown; overwhelming defeat d) one who deeply distrusts human nature e) to kill or destroy f) extremely bad, flagrant 9) cynic a) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose b) to thin out; drift away, dissolve, waste or squander c) one who deeply distrusts human nature d) to kill or destroy e) violent breakdown; overwhelming defeat f) a summation of a larger whole 10) disseminate a) random; disconnected, without a plan or purpose b) violent breakdown; overwhelming defeat c) one who deeply distrusts human nature d) to kill or destroy e) to spread the seeds of something; to make widely known f) to thin out; drift away, dissolve, waste or squander
V6 Seniors
12th Grade
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