base color - predominant tone of a color, complementary colors - a primary and secondary color positioned directly opposite each other on the color wheel, contributing pigment / undertone - the varying degrees of warmth exposed during a permanent color or lightening process, hair color - the natural color of hair, haircolor - a professional, industry-coined term referring to artificial haircolor products and sevices, intensity - the strength of a color, law of color - system for understanding color relationships, level - the unit of measurement used to identify the lightness or darkness of a color, level system - system that colorists use to determine the lightness or darkness of hair color, mixed melanin - combination of natural hair color that contains both pheomelanin and eumelanin, primary colors - pure or fundamental colors (red, yellow, blue) that cannot be created by combining other colors, resistant - hair type that is difficult for moisture or chemicals to penetrate and thus requires a longer processing time, secondary color - color obtained by mixing equal parts of two primary colors, tertiary color - intermediate color achieved by mixing a secondary color and its neighboring primary color on the color wheel in equal amounts, tone / hue - the balance of color,

Cosmetology Chapter 21 - Vocab 1

Tabla de clasificación

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

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