Ecosystem - Consists of the community living in a particular habitat and the non-living components with which the organisms interact., Community - all the organisms living in an ecosystem, Habitat - a place where an organism lives, Biodiversity - range of species present, Species - a group of organisms which can interbreed (mate) to produce fertile young, population - the total number of one type of species in an ecosystem, producer - green plant that starts a food chain, consumer - animal that eats other organisms to gain energy, herbivore - animal that only eats plant material, carnivore - animal that only eats other animals., omnivore - animal that only eats plant material and other animals, predator - animal that hunts and kills prey, quadrats - used to measure the abundance of plants and slow-moving animals, pitfall trap - used to measure the population of ground-living invertebrates, endangered - species is at risk of becoming extinct, pesticide - used to kill pests which eat the crop, thereby preventing crop damage, fertiliser - used to add nitrogen to the soil to increase crop growth, nitrate - form of nitrogen absorbed by plants, protein - compound made from nitrogen., biological control - use of the pest’s natural predator or pathogen to control its population, adaptation - an inherited characteristic that helps an organism to survive and reproduce in their environment, pollination - part of plant reproduction which some plants depend on animals to achieve,

S3 key term revision (Life on earth)


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