1) Facts of Life  2) What's something you like about yourself?  3) Dance Break  4) Yoga Time 5) Name a song that gets stuck in your head.  6) What is your favorite season?  7) Surprise  8) What's your favorite fast food restaurant?  9) What's your favorite thing to do on a snow day?  10) What do you like to do with your family?  11) What is your favorite video game?  12) What's your goal for the year?  13) Would you get a tattoo?  14) Do you prefer ice or snow?  15) Would you rather travel back in time or into the future?  16) What's your favorite hot drink?  17) What was your cereal or a hot breakfast? 18) If you could switch places with a teacher for a day, what would you teach?  19) I can control my actions toward others.  20) What is your favorite kind of donut?  21) What is the weridest reason you can come up with for why a school might be cancelled?  22) What's the most valuable lesson you have learned in school?  23) If we could have a class pet, what would it be?  24) If you could get someone famous to speak to our class, who would it be?  25) If you could choose the lunch menu for school, what would you serve? 

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