(to) come up with a winner --> EXAMPLE: Everybody likes Pepsi's new advertising campaign. Their advertising agency has come up with a winner. - to think up a very good idea, blockbuster --> EXAMPLE: Eli Lilly made a lot of money with the prescription drug, Prozac. It was a real blockbuster. - a big success; a huge hit --> ORIGIN: This term comes from the blockbuster bombs used during World War Two by the British Royal Air Force. They were huge and created a large explosive force. Blockbuster ideas similarly create a big impact — and hopefully don't cause destruction like blockbuster bombs!, bells and whistles --> EXAMPLE: Our office just got a new copier with all the bells and whistles. I'll probably never learn how to use all of its features! - extra product features, usually using the latest technologies; product features which are attractive, but not essential for the product to function, (to) fast track a project --> EXAMPLE: Let's fast track this project. We've heard rumors that our competitors are developing similar products. - to make a project a high priority; to speed up the time frame of a project, stocking stuffer --> EXAMPLE: These new mini travel pillows will make great stock¬ing stuffers! - a small gift given at Christmas time --> NOTE: This expression comes from the practice of kids hanging up stockings that Santa Claus fills (or "stuffs") with small gifts., big win --> EXAMPLE: The drug company spent millions on research and development, hoping that one of their new products would be a big win. - a huge success; a successful product, (to) make a killing --> EXAMPLE: Suzanne made a killing on her Google stock and retired at 40. - to make a lot of money --> SYNONYM: to make a fortune, (to) keep something under wraps --> EXAMPLE: I'm sorry I can't tell you anything about the project I'm working on. My boss told me to keep it under wraps. - to keep something secret; to not let anybody know about a new project or plan --> NOTE: "Wraps" are things that provide cover, so if something is "under wraps" it's covered up and hidden. , mum's the word --> EXAMPLE: Please don't tell anybody about our new project. Remember: mum's the word! - let's keep quiet about this; I agree not to tell anyone about this --> ORIGIN: The word "mum" comes from the murmur "mmmmm," the only sound you can make when your mouth is shut firmly. Try mak¬ing other sounds besides "mmmmm" with your lips and mouth shut firmly, and you will see that it's impossible!, (to) get wind of --> EXAMPLE: When the restaurant owner got wind of the fact that one of his waiters was stealing money from the cash register, he was furious. - to find out about something, often sensitive information, (to) rip off --> EXAMPLE: Why doesn't the Donox Company ever think up any original ideas? All they ever do is rip off their competitors! NOTE: "Rip off' is also a noun. Example: We were charged $10,000 for a small advertisement in the newspaper. What a rip off! - to copy an idea; to steal, game plan --> EXAMPLE: The software company's game plan is to expand its operations into China and India over the next year. - an action plan; a plan for how a project will proceed --> ORIGIN: In football, a "game plan" is a strategy for winning., (to) get something off the ground --> EXAMPLE: We've been sitting around talking about this project for months. It's time to take action and get it off the ground! - to get started on something, often a project,

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