ex-wife - After divorse husband gets a woman to whom someone was formerly married, from whom they are now divorced., misunderstand - Teacher explains the topic but students don't know how to do the exercise. They ...... teacher, misspell - write a word with mistakes, multi-tasking - If a test has many exercises this test is ......, multi-coloured - On her T-shirt there are many colours. It is..., overcooked - prepare food too much or for too long., oversleep - get up late, overpaid - give too much money, overestimate - When teachers give very high grades to the child, but it's unfair, they ..... the pupil, postgraduate - Study after finishing a degree, re-read - read something again, rewrite - write something again, semi-final - a match or round immediately preceding the final, the winner of which goes on to the final., undercooked - prepare food not good enough so it's rare, submarine - a ship which goes under the water, co-operate - work together, co-worker - a person, who works together with , ex-student - former pupil ,


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