secede - to officially give, as a territory from one country to another, Tejanos - Texas settlers of Spanish or Mexican descent, neutral ground - the area between the Sabine and the Arroyo Hondo, where Spanish and U.S. military leaders decided was neutral and belonged to neither side, diplomats - individuals who represent countries in foreign affairs, filibusters - military adventurers who came to Texas from the United States in the early 1800's, siege - military blockade of a city or fort, frontier - region marking the farthest edge of settlement by a country or group of people, buffer - zone of protections between two countries or territories, Anglos - mostly white, non-Hispanic settlers who moved to Texas from the United States during the Mexican Period, secularize - to move from religious to civil control, militia - citizen army, republic - government in which authority comes from the people and power is exercised by elected officials according to set laws, empresarios - businesspeople who promoted migration to the Texas colonies,

Mexican Texas Vocabulary


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