yayınlanmak/i - to be published, ırkçı - racist, tartışma - argument, discussion, mizah programı - humor show, aslen - originally, ... sifatıyla - as...in the character of....with the name of...., hatırlatmak/i - to remind, to reminicense , saçmalamak - to talk non-sense, to be ridiculus, ...(y)-ı rahatsız etmek - to bother, somut - real, tangible, concreate, substantial, miras - heritage, inheritence, peyaz perde - motion screen, hayal - imagination, dream, çaba - effort, gölge - shadow, bilgi edinmek - to obtain information/be informed, tasvir - figure, elde etmek - to gain/obtain, etkinlik - activity, event, hariç - excluding, except, hafta içi - week day, şeklinde - İn the form of ...the way, ... ile mücadele - fight against ..., karar - decision, yerinde karar - sound decision, made timely and accurately, dönem - period, ... adlı - named ..., başlatılmak - be started, be commenced, ... kapsamında - within, within the scope of ..., il - city, province, greater vicinity of the city, ayrılmak - split up, normalleşme - normalization, adım atmak - take a step, to begin, düzenlenmek - be held, be organized, ardından - following, after, subsequently, genelge - Momerandum, notice, circular, yayımlamak - İssue, publish, yaklaşık - approximately, müşteri - customer, client, kabul etmek - to accept, to take, paket servis - carry-out, hazırlık - preparation, arrangement, esnaf - small business owner, trader, işyeri - workplace, kurallara uymak - to follow the rules,
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