I’m going to _____________ for that job I saw online. - apply, The person who tells you what to do at work is your ________ - boss, I'm in _________ of the Sales department. - charge, We _______ training courses twice a year. - do, A person who grows plants and flowers is a ________ - gardener, It’s what you don’t have if you’re unemployed. - job, A phrasal verb which means the same as ‘search for’. - look for, Do you know anyone who’s been __________ redundant recently? - made, My partner works shifts: he works at ________ one week, then during the day the next. - night, If you work more than your normal hours, you do___________ - overtime, Another way of saying ‘resign’. - quit, A verb which means when people stop working after the ages of 65 or 70. - retire, A person who works for him / herself is__________ - self-employed, A person who works in a zoo and takes care of the animals. - zookeeper, My brother is in his second _________ of university, and he loves it. - year, He decided to set ________ his own business last year. - up, My company has more than 90.000 _________ around the world. - employees, My husband is a _________ journalist and works from home. - freelance, a _________ cuts your hair. - hairdresser, You usually have an _________ before a company decides if you get a job with them. - interview, Chefs work in here. _________ - kitchen (restaurant), It's alternative to working full-time, but you work fewer hours _________. - part time, It's opposite of a permanent job. _________ - temporary, An animal doctor _________ - vet, I _________ for an international company in central London. - work,
EF Int, 8A Vocabulary Work
English file 4th edition
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