1) What time does the clock show? a) one o-clock b) four o-clock c) nine o-clock 2) What time does the clock show? a) seven o-clock b) three o-clock c) ten o-clock 3) What time does the clock show? a) three o-clock b) five o-clock c) two o-clock 4) What time does the clock show? a) one o-clock b) six o-clock c) nine o-clock 5) What time does the clock show? a) three o-clock b) six o-clock c) twelve o-clock 6) What time does the clock show? a) eight o-clock b) five o-clock c) two o-clock 7) What time does the clock show? a) four o-clock b) ten o-clock c) two o-clock 8) What time does the clock show? a) seven o-clock b) three o-clock c) eleven o-clock 9) What time does the clock show? a) five o-clock b) eleven o-clock c) one o-clock 10) What time does the clock show? a) seven o-clock b) two o-clock c) three o-clock 11) What time does the clock show? a) nine o-clock b) twelve o-clock c) five o-clock 12) What time does the clock show? a) eleven o-clock b) ten o-clock c) four o-clock

Telling time to the hour Quiz


Tabla de clasificación

Cuestionario es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?