Saw blades must always be checked to make sure they haven't become ____ or lost ____. To begin to change a hacksaw blade you have to release the ____ on the blade by loosening the ____ nut. To begin to change a junior hacksaw blade, the frame is ____ to release the blade. Once the blade is loose it can be replaced with a ____ blade. When a blade is changed it is important to check that the teeth are ____ in the correct ____, otherwise it won't cut. The blade should then be ____ on scrap material. Scribers can become ____ over time. Scribers can be ____ on an ____ stone in the same way as a ____, but it is difficult to get an even point. It can be ____ to use a ____, but this must be done by a teacher or ____ technician. Once a scriber has been sharpened, the tip must be ____. This is done by heating it up in the ____ and then ____ it quickly in ____. The scriber should then be tested to check it ____ properly on scrap metal. Hand files can become ____ with metal swarf (____) over time. File blades can be cleaned quickly using a file ____. The bristles on the card work like a wire ____ and remove the ____. Files should be cleaned ____ to prevent them wearing down too quickly. Hand file handles can become ____ or loose over time, and often need ____ or replaced. To secure the handle of a hand file, the file ____ should be placed in a ____ and the handle should be ____ back on with a ____. The metal ____ of the handle should then be tightened using a ____ and ____ to provide extra grip. The file should then be ____ on scrap metal before using again. The jaws on an engineer's vice often need ____, and sometimes ____ if they become ____ due to saw cuts. The vice jaws should be ____ to their full ____, before the ____ holding the jaws are tightened ____ using a ____. Screws must not be ____ because this will make them ____ to remove and could cause the jaw plate to ____. Jaws should be checked ____ to make sure they are not ____.

N5PM - Logbook Prep 02 (Hand Tools)

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