adult - (n) A person, animal, or plant that is fully grown., clump - (n) A group of things that grow close to each other or are packed tightly together. (v) To walk in a way that makes a heavy, dull sound., curious - (adj) 1. Eager to learn about people or things. 2. Strange or unusual., gratitude - (n) A feeling of thanks, herd - (n) A group of animals that live or move about together., newcomer - (n) Someone who has just arrived in a place., plain - (adj) 1. not fancy. 2. easy to see.(n) A large piece of flat land with few trees., stalk - (n) The main stem (v) 1. To walk in a stiff way.2. To follow something in a quiet way., tusk - long, curved, very large tooth, wealthy - Having a great amount of money, property, or valuable things.,

Wordly Wise Lesson 14

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