Can you name at least 3 common chemical elements? - oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, What do we call a scientist who studies or work with chemicals? - chemist/chemical engineer, What kind of household products can contain harmful chemicals? - bleach, detergent, antifreeze, air freshener, shampoo, paint, hair colouring, betteries, What kind of chemicals do farmers use? - pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers, The gas we breath out is______________ - carbon, Mixing chemicals may cause a chemical _____________ - reaction, Plants __________ water through their roots and sunlight through their leaves - absorb, Another word for poisonous - toxic, The release of gas is_______________ - emission, The chemicals added to food are called food ______________ - additives, A nuclear accident may cause _______________ of the surrounding area - contamination , The opposite of synthetic  - organic, A chemical used for making the clothes white - bleach,

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