Feedback: “Other” was selected as work type but details were not entered, Street spelling or format does not match map, Cross street(s) does not match map, Street and cross street do not intersect, No Cross Street (WTE ONLY), Description of excavation is vague – ticket appears to be locatable, Description of linear excavation does not include beginning /ending point(s) (area is pre-marked), Contains grammar or spelling errors, Description of linear excavation exceeds one mile, Reference to 3 HR Notice, Update, Remark, Cancel, or reason for suspended ticket was not removed from Instructions field before releasing the new ticket, Notification polygon does not cover entire description of excavation – utility member(s) not missed, Polygon was drawn in the wrong area (member(s) not missed), Description of excavation contains measurable distance that was not included in the polygon - utility member(s) not misse, SEG Tool used / polygon covered point data only, 3HR Notice: over notification of utility member(s), 3HR Notice: Instructions field is incorrectly formatted, Correction: Incorrect address entered in Street field, Incorrect street name entered in Street field, Description of excavation is written in a manner that could be misinterpreted by locator(s) – ticket does not appear to be locatable, Description of linear excavation does not include beginning / ending point(s) (area is not pre-marked), Driving directions inaccurate and ticket appears to be locatable, Incorrect address(s) entered in Excavation Area field, Notification polygon does not cover entire description of excavation – utility member(s) were missed, Polygon was drawn in the wrong area (utility member(s) missed), Incorrect Ticket Type processed (Emergency or 3HR Notice), 3HR Notice - under notification of utility member(s), 3HR Notice: Mapping incorrect on original ticket (utilities missed),
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