1) If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be? 2) Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future to meet your great-great-grandchildren? 3) Would you rather have more money or more time? 4) Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader for the rest of your life? 5) Would you rather lose the ability to lie or believe everything you’re told? 6) Would you rather speak to animals or know other people’s thoughts? 7) Would you rather have lots of small bad things happen to you throughout the month or have one day per month where lots of bad things happen to you? 8) What phrase or cliché do you most live by? 9) If you could rid the world of one thing what would it be? 10) What is your go-to drink or snack while working? 11) Would you rather someone took a boring task off your to-do list or invited you to participate in a project of great interest to you? 12) If you had a magic button on your desk that could bring you whatever you wanted, what would you summon?

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