Anna isn't at work for now because she's just had a baby. Anna isn't at work for now because she's om maternity______. - leave, I'm not working right now because I'm ill. I'm ____ work right now because I'm ill. - off, I decided to tell my boss I was leaving because I'd had a better offer from another company. I decided to ___ from my job I'd had a better offer from another company. - resign, I didn't get the job because I hadn't worked in marketing before. I didn't get the job because I didn't have any_______ in marketing. - experience, After a few months I could go from being Assistant Sales Director to Sales Director. I could ____ ____ to Sales Director in a few months. - be/get promoted, My contract's only from March to June. I've got a ______ contract. - temporary/ fixed term, I was only working 3 days a week, but I'm going to start working 5 days a week next month. I'm going to start working _____ - time next month. - full, The nurses who work at this hospital are fantastic. The nursing _____ is fantastiс at this hospital. - staff, My sister's a journalist and she writes articles for lots of different newspapers. My sister's a ____ journalist. - freelance, I don't enjoy my job very much, but I get on well with the people that I work with. I don't enjoy my job very much, but I get on well with my ____ - co-workers/ colleagues, He's got a degree and a PhD. He has good _____. - qualifications, I lost my job last year since the company I was working for wasn't making a profit. I was ____ ____ last year. - made redundant/ laid off, He worked successfully for many years both as a teacher and a teacher trainer. He had a very successful _____ in education. - career, Apart from my salary, I also get a company car and free lunches, which is brilliant. The ____ are brilliant in this job. I get a company car and free lunches. - perks/ benefits, My sister's been unemployed for over a year. My sister has been ____ ____ ____ for over a year. - out of work, He works on a car production line and does exactly the same thing every day. His job on a car production line is very_____. - monotonous/ repetitive, Adrian doesn't make any money for the charity work he does. The charity work that Adrian does is ______. - voluntary/ unpaid, My job is very high pressure and stressful. I have a very _____ job. - demanding/ challenging,

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