Autumn is the season that comes after ____ and before ____. In other words, it is the season ____ summer and winter. The autumn ____ are September, October and November. In autumn, the ____ get shorter and the ____ get ____. In the UK, autumn starts on September 23rd. The weather changes and it gets ____. There is more ____, wind andf og. It doesn’t usually snow in ____; the ____ comes in winter. The ____ on the trees change colour. They turn from ____ to yellow, gold and red. Many people think that the autumn colours are beautiful. Finally, the leaves fall from the trees and the trees are bare. In fact, int he US, autumn is called ‘fall’ because the leaves ____ during this time. In autumn, ____ plough their fields and bring in the crops. In the northern hemisphere, many ____ migrate south to warmer countries. Some ____, like dormice, get ready to hibernate. Some festivals/celebrations which happen during autumn are ____, harvest festivals and in the UK, we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th.

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