Anterior (ventral) - The front of the body or limb, Posterior (dorsal) - The back of the body or limb, Superior - Towards the top, Inferior - Towards the bottom, Medial - In or towards the middle, Lateral - Towards the sides , Midsagittal (median) plane - A vertical plane that equally divides the body (or any of its parts) into right & left sections, Sagittal (longitudinal) plane - A vertcial plane dividing the body (or any of its parts) into right & left sections , Parasagittal plane - A vertical plane dividing the body (or any of its parts) into unequal right & left sections, Transverse (horizontal) plane - A horizontal plane dividing the body (or any of its parts) into upper & lower sections, Oblique plane - Divides the body (or any of its parts) into angled sections, Frontal (coronal) plane - Divides the body (or any of its parts) into anterior & posterior sections, Proximal - Closer to the trunk/attachment point, Distal - Further away from the trunk/attachment point, Ventral body cavity - Contains all the structures within the thoracic cavity & abdominopelvic cavity, Dorsal body cavity - Contains the cranial cavity and the vertebral cavity, Thoracic cavity - Contains the lungs, heart, and other organs, Mediastinum - Separates the lungs into right & left cavities, Pleural cavity - Contains the lungs, Pericardial cavity - Contains the heart, Abdominopelvic cavity - Contains the abdominal cavity & the pelvic cavity, Pelvic cavity - Contains the urinary bladder, reproductive organs, Abdominal cavity - Contains the stomach, liver, intestines etc., Diaphragm - Separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity, Superficial - Toward the body surface (more external), Deep - Away from the body surface (more internal),
Body Orientation, Planes & Directional Terms
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
Higher Education
Anatomy Physiology
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