Clarinet - a single-reed musical instrument in the woodwind family, Saxophone - a type of single-reed woodwind instrument with a conical body, usually made of brass, Ukulele - a fretted string instrument, has four strings, is from Hawaii, Guitar - a fretted instrument, has six strings, can be acoustic or electric, Electric Bass - a low version of the guitar, this instrument gives rhythm and melody down low, Flute - a woodwind instrument with no reed, Lizzo helped make it famous, Voice - the "instrument" of the singer. We all have one!, Piano - a large keyboard musical instrument. Can be acoustic or electic, Trumpet - the most popular brass instrument. It has three valves and plays in the soprano (high) register of a band., Hand Drums - any percussion instrument of the drum family, played with hands not sticks, Violin - the most popular string family instrument, its voice is "soprano", Viola - the second highest string instrument, its voice is "alto", Cello - the second lowest instrument, this one has a "tenor" voice, Double Bass - "bass" for short, it is the lowest voiced instrument in the string family,
After School Music Lessons at FCS
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