What does PERSEVERANCE mean?, What character strength is it when you tell the truth? , Share a time you showed FAIRNESS, What is a group of sentences about the same topic called?, Name a character strength, The TOPIC SENTENCE is ______________, What supports the topic sentence?, A paragraph ends with a ____________ ___________., Using your imagination means you are _____________., I ask questions and wonder about the world. I am ________, You make people laugh. Your character strength is ___________, A good paragraph has ____ - ____ sentences. (numbers), Introduce yourself: Hello, my name is ______? , BRAINSTORMING is when ???, What is a character strength of yours?, A character strength of mine is _______________., TRUE or FALSE: Because is a Transition word, SUPPORTING DETAILS are pieces of ___________, What does the CONCLUSION tell the reader about the paragraph? , TRUE or FALSE: PUBLIC SPEAKING means talking in front of people, Tell us 3 things you are good at? , Name 1 thing you LIKE about working from home, SELF-AWARENESS is ___________________ , SELF-ADVOCACY: What is it? Give an example. , TRUE or FALSE: Donald Trump is the President of the United States.
Unit 2 - Writing about Character Strengths REVIEW
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