Tridential Regicide - The murder of three or more generations of royalty., Regicide - The murder of royalty, Homicide - The killing of one human being by another, Triple Homicide - The killing of three people by another, Double Homicide - The killing of two people by another, Suicide - The killing of someones self, Double Suicide - When two people decide to kill themselves together, Capital Murder - First-degree murder under special circumstances., Capital - Only two possible penalties, The death sentence or Life in prison with out possible parole, Murder - The act of killing someone, Serial Murder - The unlawful homicide of at least two people carried out by the same person (or persons) in separate events occurring at different times, Genocide - The killing of a WHOLE group of people. It is a war crime., Serial - Repeatedly committing the same offense and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern., Serial Killer - A person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern.,

Differnt Types of Murder

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